Types of Small Business Loans
Finding Out What Small Business Loans You Qualify For Only Takes A Few Minutes And Wont Affect Your Credit Score!
Manpower Funding can help just about any business that is looking to grow. Having access to capital & a relationship with a lender is often the first step. Below you will see a sample of different small business loans we have funded in the past. What is your growth goal? We'd love to hear about it!
Working Capital
Equipment Financing
Term Loan
Business Line Of Credit
Working Capital
Funding now to grow your business
The Working Capital Loan is the most popular and most common. It is a loan designed for your immediate & short term opportunities. The funds can be used for virtually any project or need and is incredibly easy to qualify for & fund.
Term Loan
Larger Amounts for Larger Projects
A term loan gives the business owner a large sum of money upfront, spreading the cost across many smaller fixed repayments. There are no restrictions on what the funds can be used for. However, the application process can be slightly longer than for short term loans.
How could you use extra Funds to grow Your Business?
Hiring & Payroll
Do you need to hire staff or meet payroll? A working capital loan gives you the cashflow you need to pay employees, maintain operations, and scale your business.
A Fresh Marketing Campaign
Working capital gives you what you need to reach new audiences with your products and services
Cash Flow Management
Do you need to stabilize your cash flow? Working capital loans are perfect for ensuring you always have the liquidity to maintain operations.
Purchase Inventory
Having trouble keeping up with the demand? Want to place a larger order for larger discounts? A Working Capital loan will help you meet those production demands without missing a beat.
New Equipment
Need a new delivery van or are you adding a vehicle to expand your fleet? Maybe you need specialty construction equipment to complete a big job. Working Capital is a great way to make sure your jobs have the tools they need to succeed.
We Value Your Time. No games or Gimmicks.
Your dedicated business loan specialist will be able to evaluate your needs and give you some helpful ideas on what you can expect. Then you decide if you want to move forward.
“I’ve dealt with lenders in the past that could never get a straight answer on what it was going to take to borrow money, and exactly what it would take for me to pay it back. Manpower was awesome. I worked with Jesse over there. Every question was answered, there was no red tape, it was straight to the facts"
Martin Gonzalez
Los Angeles
Manpower Funding is great for quick funding. Great customer service. Fast relatively easy loan application. It is easy to use and great company business loan to work with. Highly recommend.
Audrey Davidson
Austin, Texas